Saturday, 4 January 2014

What Happens to NYC's Homeless During Harsh Winter Weather? - Mashable

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Just one day after a winter storm dropped nearly a foot of snow in areas around New York City, forecasters expect temperatures to further plummet. For most city residents, this weather is a discomfort and inconvenience, but it's a life-threatening danger for the city's tens of thousands of people who are homeless.

In response, NYC's Department of Homeless Services (DHS) has issued what it calls a "Code Blue," a set of emergency procedures aimed at protecting those homeless people who are in danger due to the weather. The city, which by law must offer shelter to all those who need it, implements Code Blue during periods of sustained winds or precipitation and when the temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit for an extended period.

"The goal of Code Blue is to protect unsheltered individuals who are more at risk of exposure deaths," Lisa Black, assistant commissioner of government of community relations and acting press secretary at DHS, told Mashable.

One of the ways the department does this is by doubling and tripling the number of outreach vans, which respond to 311 service-request calls from concerned community members who feel a homeless person may be in danger. Black said DHS regularly has about five vans — one for each of the city's boroughs — and on a normal winter night, the department receives about a dozen 311 calls regarding homeless people.

With Thursday night's blizzard-like conditions, however, Black said the department fielded 76 calls. Despite the increase, Black said no individuals lost their lives due to being on the street Thursday.

While mounds of snow were the problem Thursday, it will be bitter-cold temperatures Friday night. The National Weather Service predicts the temperature will be 20 to 30 degrees below normal for this time of year, which means another dangerous night for people on the street.

New York has been a "right to shelter" city since the 1970s, which means that it's legally obligated to provide shelter to all those who need and want it. Oftentimes people will refuse help when DHS responds to calls, Black said, at which point responders must access the degree of danger to which the person is exposed.

"It depends on the level of the situation: If they find a guy who's outside with no shoes on, then it could be a life or death," Black said. "They don't have to come in [to a shelter] if they don't want to, but we can't let them put themselves in harm's way."

New York has about 250 shelters citywide, Black said, most of which are designated for families with children. More than 40,000 different children spent time in NYC shelters during the 2013 fiscal year, according to Coalition for the Homeless.

The chart below shows that more than 50,000 homeless people are using NYC's shelters on a daily basis, which the Coalition for the Homeless says is the highest number of people since the Great Depression.

Homelessness chart

On a Code Blue night, DHS will bypass its normal intake procedures to ensure everyone who needs shelter has access to it that's as seamless as possible.

Additionally, there are two drop-in centers in Manhattan, which Black described as airport-like rooms with chairs but no beds. People can visit drop-in centers for showers, meals, counseling and other services.

Beyond DHS, the New York Police Department and the city's Emergency Medical Services also have units ready to assist when they're needed.

"If we're getting bombarded, then they have to respond — that's what they do," Black said. "I know they're ready and willing."

Call the city's 311 hotline if you see a homeless person who you feel is in danger.

Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments.

Image: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Topics: homelessness, new york city, U.S., US & World, Weather, winter

Jenny McCarthy

Weather Nyc



New York Weather

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